So I’m going to start this post by saying “thank you” to all those who chose Got Game Bird Dogs for a new best friend during the Pandemic of 2020. You were patient, many of you waited over 2 months for your puppy, you called and texted me during a time I was shut off from a lot of my usual adult social interaction, as I was home quarantined from work. I enjoyed our conversations, as I’m always ready to “talk puppy” and I continue to enjoy your texts and pictures of you with your new best friends.
We were blessed during this hard time in multiple ways. In regards to puppies, we were blessed by each of our of age females coming into heat, getting pregnant, and producing healthy pups for us during a time I was available to accommodate such a crew, as pups were a productive way the kids and I could fill our time during a time we weren’t allowed to do a lot else… and also during a time many were looking for a puppy!
As always, my favorite part of all this is seeing my children love and care for our dogs and the pups they produce. I also love seeing adults come pick out and pick up their puppy, turning back time in childlike excitement when they see their pup for the first time and when they come to take their puppy home. I value extensively each and every picture, update, etc new owners send us following getting their puppy home. Thank you for this gift!